
White shirt. Cyclist,
"the Original AIDS Trek Eleven"
Minnesota AIDS Trek

Back: AIDS Trek Eleven sponsors: Rumours, Grand Casino Hinckley, General Mills, Kemps, Marigold Foods, Concessions, Cochrane Law Office P.A., Hocking Plastics, Ineranational Multifoods, Tobie's Resaurant, Subway Sandwich Shops, Zaccari Produce, Premier Food Products Inc. Transfer, Terry Klingsporn, Lone Donuts, Motor Group, Macs & Micros Inc. , Fairview Hospital, Surgical Assistant Svcs, Inc., Development Connections, Brendan Group Tax and Ins. Svcs. Tomas Hardy Piano Tuning, Reps Chiropractic, Greer and Assoc., City of Lakes, The Nurse Connection, Gay 90's, The Lounge, Rainbow Workks, Winfied Ros, Field of Vision Photography, Gary Smith, Mitch, Dore S. Mead, Sandy Pappas for St. Paul Mayor, Richard Gwynne, Sandra McDonald, Jon Logue, Jeff Holly/ Tom Rothschild, Jim Holmes, Chuck Yane, Ron Campbell, Teri and Dave and Adam and Randy and Randy, Frank Winship/Kathy Smith, Richard Bosard, Frank and Lois and Kelly, In Memory of Loren Erickson In memory of Robert Olson Committee for Unity, Hope and Survival



None recorded.


Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies


WBOB Box 31 9-G-6-1B


Kevin Sitter


Reproduction and use of this material may require permission from the copyright holder. Please contact the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies for more information.


“AIDS Trek 11,” Wearing Gay History, accessed July 27, 2024,