White shirt. Pink text shaped in a triagle, which is made up of names of famous queer people
Including Margaret Mead, William Shakespeare, Janis Joplin, Michelangelo, Leonard Bernstein, Walt Whitman, Leonardo da Vinci, Colatie, Tchaikovsky, Amy Lowell, Marcel Proust, Richard Wagner, Christopher Marlow, Olivia Newton-John, Lord Byron, Roy Cohn, King James I, Socrates, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Harvey Fierstein, Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams, Virginia Woolf, Richard the Lion Hearted, Emperor Hadrian, Henry Thoreau, Alice B. Tokias, Harvey Milk, Zeno of Elee, Sappho, John Maynard Keyes, King Gustav III, Sandro Bonicelll, Audre Lorde, Kate Millett, Billie Jean King, Ellen Ginsberg, Elizabeth , H.D. and more...