
The American Run for the End of AIDS
White t-shirt
A.R.E.A Tenth Anniversary of the Run Around America
The American Run for the End of AIDS March 1, 1986 - October 31, 1987 A 20-month, 9,000 mile rune by Brent Nicholson Earle
Continuing Our Commitment to Working Together for An End of AIDS
In memory and Appreciation of Their Support Around America
William Konkoy A.J. Antoon Danny Banks Phillip Blackwell Gary Brubach Len Calder John Calori Richard Chenault Raul Companioni Allan Danzig Tom Davis Colleen Dewhurst Jim Ferels Dick Fisher Gary France Jeffrey French Ken Gelow Jack Gilford Lee Graham Keith Haring Fritz Holt Dru Howlett Joel Ifcher Alvin Jaffin Jim Johnson Raul Julia Bruce Karcher David Lee Leonard Lenz Carl Lorenzen Larry McDevitt Al McNarin Harold Messing Court Miller Shighiko Nishiguchi Larry Nurse Joesph Papp Robert Pitman David Poot Paul Popham Tom Proctor Allan Sobek Sharon Redd Russell Redmond Mike Richards Robb Rodd William Ross Ken Shapiro Michael Shawn Michael Smith Larry Stripling David Summers Swen Swenson Dale Teissier Paul Thomas Ryan Thomas Daniel Warner Tom Waddell Ted Weiss Mickey Zacuto Guy Zelenak Ignacio Zuazo



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Gerber/Hart Library and Archives


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“A.R.E.A 10th Anniversary ,” Wearing Gay History, accessed July 27, 2024,